Christmas Tales - Santa Claus Bottle, created by renowned designer Alessandra Baldereschi for Ichendorf, is a design piece that stands out for its uniqueness and originality.
Inside, thanks to the transparent glass, one can appreciate the figure of Santa Claus, carefully placed at the bottom of the bottle. The distinctive design element, however, is the cap that faithfully reproduces a Christmas tree, expertly crafted in the classic green shade. This special feature complements the design but also represents the skilled craftsmanship of the Ichendorf brand in glassmaking. The attention to detail and precision in the making highlight the passion the company puts into creating high-quality objects that can last. This bottle is not just a container for wine or other beverages, but becomes a true symbol of Christmas, capable of enriching the holiday table with a touch of magic.
Christmas Tales - Santa Claus Bottle is made of handmade borosilicate glass and shaped by lamplight.
Capacity: 115 cl